The RV Entrepreneur Life is a Life Well Lived

The RV Entrepreneur podcast host Kimberly Crossland shares how life on the road as an entrepreneur can lead to a life well lived. Spoiler: it’s about more than adventure and freedom.

A lot of people who aren’t familiar with the beauty of the RV entrepreneur lifestyle ask me this question often in various forms:

“Why do you advocate for travel and entrepreneurship so heavily?”

The surface answer of adventure and freedom are great. But recently I watched a TED talk from TEDxLagunaBlancaSchool. And, that really exposed the deeper seeded benefits of this path toward a life well lived. Check out what Dino Ambrosi says here about the battle for your time:

As Dino points out, we don’t have nearly as much time on earth as it might seem when we move through day-to-day life. Factor in sleep, driving, the typical work/school life, chores, and the bathroom. As a result we only have about 300 months of free time remaining. What do we do with that free time? That is what we’ll see when we reflect back on how we lived our life. 

Back to that question I get so often. Upon reflection, I realized the reason I love the RV entrepreneur lifestyle so much. It isn’t simply because of the freedom it affords. It’s also about the when I reach my deathbed. Then, I want to look back and say, “That was a life well lived.

So then the question becomes, why RVing? Why entrepreneurship? And why together? These are good questions to reflect on as you pursue this lifestyle so you can be sure you’re also spending those 334 months of free time feeling like you’ve experienced a life well lived.

Why RV for a Life Well Lived?

Growing up, the bulk of my travel life was spent overseas. From an early age, my parents would take me on big-time adventures, such as African safari trips and swimming in caves in Thailand. Those extraordinary trips left my story bank full of adventurous tales that I still pull out in conversations.

RVing is a little different. The types of adventures the RV life affords us range quite a bit. 

Some RV adventures include traveling to full hookup campgrounds, waking up at 6 am, and taking an early morning walk with your baby while watching the sunrise instead of being stuck at home in a monotonous routine. That was the case for me in my early years of motherhood. 

Other RV adventures consist of what our podcast co-host, Jim Nelson talked about on a recent Ask Us Anything* episode. These are the Misogi style adventures thast push you to your personal limits. 

The RV lifestyle is so desirable because you get to choose the type of adventure you want to experience. You get to travel where it feels best for you. You’ll often wake up in new locations. And, you get to switch things up as you go to get the best of all worlds. It’s a life filled with choices and experiences rather than blips of adventure.

Why Entrepreneurship?

Starting a business isn’t for the faint of heart. The emotional whiplash you can feel from one moment to the next is very real. Some days, you’re riding high on record-breaking sales. On other days, you’re wrestling to understand why everything dipped. 

Entrepreneurship requires a healthy level of grit, but grit fuels the life well lived concept. 

Anything worth pursuing is a challenge. Sure, there are benefits, such as picking your hours and working on your terms, but there are also the real challenges of not getting paid if you don’t show up and having a longer runway to get the funds you need to consider your life well lived. It’s a balance that requires you to be intentional about where you put your time, focus, and finances. 

When looking at entrepreneurship through the lens of a life well lived, it makes sense that this intentionality allows you to get laser-focused on what brings you joy. In doing so, you get to cut out the stuff that doesn’t feed your soul and lean into the things that light you up. That intentionality means you’ll cut out the garbage time faster, giving you more months and years filled with the good work you love.

Why RV Entrepreneurship Together?

When paired together, RVing and entrepreneurship give you a unique ability to squeeze the most out of every year you’re given on earth. Working for yourself, ou get to wake up each morning and do what you love in a new setting. You get to open your front door and walk outside to a unique spot or a place that will feed your adventure-loving soul. And, you’ll get to see new things, meet new people, and experience new activities on the regular. 

This lifestyle is about so much more than wanting to play outside or have freedom around when we have to work. It’s truly about maximizing our time spent on earth, and enjoying a life well lived. As social media and cubicles threaten to steal away our attention from those adventures, we get to choose RV entrepreneurship as a means for combating those temptations and feeling really good about how we live our lives. 

Kimberly Crossland