What is Storytelling Marketing? How Your RV LIFE is Key to Your Success As an Entrepreneur

You and I already know that one of the perks of living the RV LIFE as an entrepreneur is the ability to travel freely, earn from anywhere, and explore on your terms. Each of those perks is pretty extraordinary, but there’s one more perk that’s not often discussed. 

Your RV LIFE can help you create content faster, gain traction, and convert more buyers — even while you’re off-grid.

You entered into the RV lifestyle to ditch the Sunday blues. Whether on the road or at home in your sticks-and-bricks, awaiting your next big adventure, one thing is certain — you’re building the life you want. And you know what? Unlike the siding on your RV, that life is magnetic. 

People are drawn to the RV lifestyle. The idea that you can take your home with you on wheels, park anywhere, sleep under the stars, or check off one National Park after another on your bucket list is enough to capture anyone’s attention — RVer or not. That’s because this lifestyle is a little bit different. You’ll find adventure mixed in with creature comforts. There is the unknown and unexpected mixed in with beauty that spans centuries. And, there’s primal instinct mixed in with modern technology.

What’s not to love?! 

Your story compels people to sit up, pay attention, and watch voyeuristically into your life as you navigate the world. 

When you’re not only traveling or living this lifestyle but also building a thriving business alongside it, then you’re suddenly even more compelling. That’s because you’ve totally ditched the traditional for a full new way of experiencing our limited time on this earth. What a time to be alive! 

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Your RV LIFE Entrepreneurial Story is What Instantly Builds the Know, Like, and Trust Factor for Your Business

When you tell your RV entrepreneur story, you do two things for your reader:

  1. You tug on their heartstrings, whether that’s familiarity to other RVers, inspiration for those wanting to live the RV life, admiration for your sense of adventure, or a myriad of others.
  2. You tug on their sound reasoning abilities by helping them clearly understand in real-world terms what your lifestyle looks like, feels like, and is. 

That one-two punch instantly lets the person know who you are through your lifestyle choices, like you for the adventurous wild soul you are, you beautiful fool, and trust you to take them on a similarly adventurous journey. 

But it’s not just an attraction to your RV LIFE that’s so desirable. To truly leverage your story to market your business (i.e., storytelling marketing), you have to show up in three distinct ways. 

Storytelling Marketing Tip #1: Be Vulnerable

Vulnerability is perhaps one of the most human emotions. There’s something scary, unnerving, and downright terrifying about thinking about showing up vulnerably. Still, if you want to make real waves in your business, a healthy dose of vulnerability can catalyze massive audience growth and visibility.

That’s because people are drawn to others who are bold enough to step into the ring and show up fully — warts and all. Look at this quote from the famous author Brene Brown for a good kick in the pants to how to be more vulnerable. 

““If you are not in the arena getting your a** kicked on occasion, I am not interested in or open to your feedback. There are a million cheap seats in the world today filled with people who will never be brave with their own lives but will spend every ounce of energy they have hurling advice and judgment at those of us trying to dare greatly.”

Brené Brown

There are countless ways you can be vulnerable without overexposing your entire lifestyle. 

For example, you don’t have to dance on TikTok to gain followers. Instead, you can share a thought, share an idea, or share a reel from a recent trip gone wrong (or gone unexpectedly right when the odds were against you) to gain attention. 

You don’t have to show your children’s faces (I never do) on social media to show up and be a proud parent, talk about the ups and downs of road schooling, or share ideas for keeping kids entertained while traveling. 

Vulnerability simply means sharing the good and the bad of your lived experiences all within the guardrails of the overall message you’re sending to your audience.

Storytelling Marketing Tip #2: Connect Through the Screen

RVing is lonely. Business is lonely. More and more, life is becoming lonely. It seems that isolation has maintained its prevalency since the pandemic, and your job as the entrepreneur is to help others feel less lonely.

That’s a big role, especially as someone who lives the loneliness of the entrepreneurial and RV LIFE. Still, there’s a solution.

When you show up and share your story so that others can see themselves, you instantly break down the barriers of feeling alone. People suddenly feel more like they’re conversing with you rather than simply watching your life play out through a glass rectangle. That connection point opens the door to referrals, business relationships, new opportunities, and of course, sales. 

Storytelling Marketing Tip #3: Be Fearlessly YOU

You know what’s hard? Churning out content and sharing what you think the world wants you to share. You know what’s easy and far faster to create? Talking about your lived human experiences on a human level, campfire style. 

Storytelling marketing allows you to show up more authentically and in half the time because you’re using the story of your RV LIFE to sell your business.

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Which Stories Should You Share?

But be warned! Not all stories attract buyers. Some just attract lurkers. If you’ve tried using your story to sell but haven’t had success, it’s likely because you haven’t been telling stories that lead to the sale. 

To leverage your RV LIFE story to build your business, every story you tell in your marketing should meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Your story should be tied to a lesson learned and a tangible takeaway for your audience
  2. Your story should solidify a point about the benefits of what you sell
  3. Your story should change their perspective and make them think differently 

There’s a lot of detail and nuance that goes into doing this the right way. I you want to learn how to leverage your RV lifestyle to build your audience and sales, jump into Storytelling Marketing where you’ll learn how to leverage this strategy, how to find the right stories that sell, and how to copywriting techniques to make them stand out and get read over and over again.

Kimberly Crossland